Labels:bulletin board | door | fence | shelf | sky OCR: Memory Champions The World Memory Championship involves memorising: a2,000 -digit t number in 1 hour 100 names and faces in 15 500 random words in minutes, 100 digit number spoken 100 100 2-second 12 packs of shuffled cards in hour Piuttardt 100 digit 24 paintings and images in a 2,000 digit binary number in hour and 40 lines of unknown text in 15 minutes. In 1995 Dominic O'Brian memorised a pack of 52 shuffled playing duGoad ane Shat tsio cards and in 41 45 of seconds and unknowr 1140 12 packs random digits of shuffled in an cards hour in an es Fmi EnoMiala hour Wimadve pions P45630 orlc